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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Qualities Of All Physical Therapists

As a health care professional, physical therapists need to have a certain level of quality that makes them what they are – physical therapists. A little confusing I know but what I mean by that is in order for them to be effective they need to have these little things to make them succeed. As a prospective patient you want them to have it so they can care for you well.

What are these you ask? How about giving it a guess? Maybe you think they should have the right education and all that? Of course, having the right education goes without saying. I’m not being facetious or anything like that; it’s just that having the right education is a requirement for the job so you can take the National Physical Therapy Exam which will then allow you to get a state license (once you pass the state requirements of course).

deborah koval
Physical Therapists
The above mentioned things are par for the course when it comes to physical therapist. What I’m talking about is the qualities that the therapist he or she actually has to have in order to succeed. Not only that, these are qualities that they should have in order to care for you better so they can get you back your range of motion and at the same time lessen or totally remove the pain while doing it.

Because they are dealing with patients suffering from restricted movement due to injury, illness or surgery having great interpersonal skills is a must. That goes without saying because let’s face it – physical therapists are always interacting with patients all the time. This means they will be having a lot of face to face time so they need to be able to work with their patients in order to know what’s ailing the patient and know what rehabilitation program to create.

It’s an important diagnosis tool because the patient is the one who knows what’s wrong with him or her and they can tell the therapist if they are suffering any pain during the rehabilitation. This is important because pain is an indicator that something is wrong. If the exercises are giving the patient more pain then it may not be doing anything good so the therapist needs to be able to interact and talk with the patient in order to hash out what can be done next before real damage is done.

Focusing on detail is important as well especially when it comes to diagnosing a patient. A strong analytic and observational skill will help the physical therapist better in terms of getting a bead on what’s really going on with the patient and also to know if the current rehabilitation regimen is doing what it’s supposed to do or not. If this is the case, the therapists can then adjust the program accordingly so get the desired results or to get to the next level.

Finally, (well not really but I’m ending with this) the physical therapist needs to really love the job and love helping the patients that come to them for help. Compassion and understanding plays a key role in this because you will be dealing with patients who are scared and suffering so you need to be able to soothe their fears and give them a positive outlook that things will be better for them after the rehabilitation.

The qualities of a physical therapist is in Deborah Koval.


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